2016年10月30日 星期日

觀世音菩薩大悲加持法會 ——殊勝無比 現場感應追記 (十八)


觀世音菩薩大悲加持法會 ——殊勝無比 現場感應追記 (十八)





佛弟子 华善




美國舊金山華藏寺FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/huazangsi





正宗聖法.聖法正宗臉書社團:https://goo.gl/EAgjW8 ​




1. 羌佛甘露灌頂間,至高現量大圓滿,不需循序整修漸,當下晝夜法界顯,睜眼閉眼皆能見;
2. 不是簡單用足印在石頭上,而是羌佛掌下藤籮不無常;
3. 彭措王傳大圓滿,日日勤修十五年,妥噶未曾威力展,羌佛一傳當場現;
4. 諸聖石上留印,無力把霧石中存,古佛拿霧永保存,公眾展示無人能; 
5. 傾盆大雨霧籠車,路滑坡高有懸情,護法顯聖來護駕,窗前包圍金剛輪; 
6. 臘梅斷枝掉石上,時經五月逢法,一夜開花鮮兩 
7. 見到菩提道次論,格西自序中有文,法王師長一聲命,護法出顯就應成; 
8. 腐爛見骨脈管炎,三天皮肉好完全,世上哪有此驚事,可惜多人當見證;
9. 高溫沸水無意間燙螞蟻二十幾隻,彈指間全然復生,包括破肚者; 
10. 無意刀割肉掉地,眾見鮮血染滿襟,大家見狀驚嚇神,頓飯時間皮長成; 
11. 總統顧問體健康,不聽佛言拿命擋,師長公佈半年亡,果然癌症黃泉上;
12. 三世多杰羌車翻,話音一落口,時達四秒間,賽車騰空三丈翻,頭朝地面向天,猶如木樁插地盤,羌佛一彈指,車爛人安全,二十餘人親眼見; 
13. 我佛同時授一法,兩組各學咒不同,明娟新麗大感奇,豈是分身小兒戲;
14. 惡人罵佛最刁,佛陀告之將必報,夫妻不識分鐘,拳打丟進爛泥壕;
15. 惡鬼復仇到凱悅,抓拿學生喉嚨骨,眾見驚魂哭聲,一印結下鬼倉逃;
16. 惡性腦瘤顱生,加持三日化淨水;
17. 光東晚期鼻癌症,甘露一粒消無影,此事百人皆知道,傳為佛陀一聖境;
18. 國際拳擊主席,親見佛師報日情,筆書寫下當日事,分秒不差如行文;
19. 台灣國首選之前,行文定名公眾見,次日計票結算完,佛言總統後有難;
20. 三世多杰羌為弟子三分鐘開頂;
21. 龜人一同坐壇場,皈依三世多杰羌; 
22. 眾圍壇場不用人,天人自動把畫成;
23. 三空行母供養羌佛酥油茶,天明起時此地從未有人家;
24. 拍下一張照片日月同輝相,傳此境確無雙(布達拉宮 第二殿);
25. 新疆天池一步一雲霧;
26. 九尾惡狐本傷人,一見佛陀皈依順;
27. 廣東肇慶降妖龜;
28. 廣慧中風單手殘,佛手一點即復原;
29. 松鼠九次應對佛,喜若發狂跳舞樂;
30. 四季桂花同日開,恭賀古佛降世來;
31. 枯死柳樹九月發新枝,祝賀已來天人師; 
32. 抬石拔樹龍捲風,佛手一指影無蹤,戈壁灘上黑霧起,魔王倉惶逃太空;
33. 鳳凰城護法迎,旋風捲花獻餐門,歷時一刻如如轉,待到登車飄空行; 
34. 小羅手被惡鱉咬,縮進殼中品味道,一聲嚴詞急鬆口,從此不敢再吃手;
35. 大水圍困眾家庭,每家全泡水浮城,水湧浪擊羌佛門,怎奈無力入家門; 
36. 羌佛住寺那一年,洪水爆發浪腰間,街成江河波光洶,無力流進寺廟中,玄妙奇端無人識,中自有玄中玄; 
37. 修法佛光現空中,壽誕月化蓮花同; 
38. 女鬼前來受皈依,眾人大駭驚詫魂; 
39. 佛陀改地基,圖紙自動變;
40. 眾聽錄了音,彈指即消失;
41. 三世多杰羌遊湖,龍神接駕姐妹潭;
42. 對仁波且伏藏的東西了如指掌; 
43. 預知弟子受報若干;
44. 羌佛弟子永定僧,上天玉帝共商榷,預報三月陰晴露,分鐘不差全應景;
45. 日前百萬黃蜂穿,未曾將它怕一分,佛告今有大魔障,黃蜂頓將鶴樓傷;
46. 吊死女鬼現了身,聞法而來不吃人,眾人見狀丟三魂,原來拜佛皈依靈;
47. 開館聖蹟若干:雷火掃殿,九龍護駕,佛陀駕臨,大鵬金翅鳥,體比飛機大,諸龍現原身;
48. 隨意買新帶,放之顯聖像;
49. 一封委託書,從天而飛降,眾人剛才商,字句全一樣;
50. 羅湖酒店大火燒,煤氣罐子搬不了,鋼瓶燒得紅如桃,但無一個得爆炸;
51. 天空雲彩降入壇場,如如不動殿中旋;
52. 珠寶街壇場聞法,觀音聖雲中顯影;
53. 恆性嘉措仁波且請頂聖如來雲高益西諾布的法相,眾人見其頭頂出現佛光,有人見到多杰羌佛相,身高得幾丈;
54. 有人機場掉機票,痛苦無門獨自瞧,我佛用手輕一指,票從花園進腰包;
55. 廖氏跛二十年,當下一牽即復原; 
56. 預報弟子將中風,果然一月倒地同,眾僧齊上聽佛旨,當下返還安全中; 
57. 長短兩腿活佛人,一經加持兩平;
58. 新華西路後樓燒,烈火沖天房屋倒,港子求佛速救助,一口法水火全消; 
59. 農夫捉鱔地上,隨著佛手指方向,空中轉彎掉水逃;
60. 漢峰乞求除業障,自將手掌拍紙上,頓時現出魔鬼頭,同時顯露隱情留;
61. 大年三十開壇光,爆竹圍燒毫無傷,房外紙藉高盈寸,院不見一片張;
62. 金剛輪加持,威力大無邊,洋活佛連叫受不了;
63. 加持聖物威力顯無窮,舉手施之電路車上通;
64. 行園法示心經,觀音到場助錄音;
65. 三世羌佛赴開華,老僧神通接聖駕,預眾池中有龍神,不到一刻龍出庭,五體叩拜佛陀身;
66. 金剛杵威力無窮,掉地上萬斤之重,弟子提文風不動,佛手拿輕玩掌中;
67. 熱熔膠高溫壞手,黑血斑留在指頭,早上在午時頓走,無蹤影還是好手;
68. 麵包車人多貨載,高速路翻車打滾,緊持念羌佛聖號,車貨均爛人無恙;
69. 丁氏坐骨已殘人,法音加持佛光升,當下惡症消無影; 
70. 多羌佛教化不誠心,廖志根峨嵋跪地行;
71. 三世多杰羌,指甲化流光,數日都不見,自入舍利箱;
72. 王氏癌症中期毒,自把法籤燒吞服,乘車黑氣口中出,一宿之間癌消沒;
73. 羌佛龍居法時,停電音機照常錄; 
74. 數十燈泡久已壞,佛陀一到全亮來;
75. 危樓只載二三人,七十餘人竟能承,左右搖晃嘎嘎響,坐上法臺現佛身; 
76. 大車載客出新繁,窄路行駛往北邊,一聲雷鳴車翻轉,無傷一人頭返南;
77. 古寺迎古佛,千人跪地立,擁塞無通道,羌佛升空騰,步在頭上行;
78. 茶廠法談蓮華,當下海棠六月花;
79. 昱佳足筋斷一根,隨手一拿筋長成;
80. 螞蟻精怪嚇煞人,全隊民眾掉了魂,羌佛賜以佛法水,蟻怪現形老樹根;
81. 樓房頂上門鎖緊,服務人員打不開,佛陀喊來護法神,開門之後不見人;
82. 澤文接下電話聽,佛告電路帶火災,話音剛落才幾秒,電線短路火燒開;
83. 東林古寺來羌佛,釋迦眉間放光出,喇嘛驚駭四十年,聚眾禮拜羌佛前;
84. 佛光隨機上雲南,飛機奇從光中穿;
85. 大悲菩提教鼠道,送來喜糖感恩招;
86. 水晶蓮花已破殘,佛笑一下即復原;
87. 萬縣江心輪船翻,百鬼凄求要升遷,佛祖當下施法忍,幽靈齊皆上寶蓮;
88. 佛陀宣法於新繁,工廠花園變聖壇;
89. 天上突然降冰雹,落在地板寸多高,我佛用足一圈畫,圈冰雹沒有化;
90. 滂沱大雨如瓢潑,雨刷失靈無奈何,弟子祈禱佛陀王,司機窗前無滴雨;
91. 唐婆浴室倒,頓時把命交,求救佛陀王,片刻站起了; 
92. 有女妙鳳心虔誠,佛堂頂禮正起身,釋迦佛陀伸出手,囑她緊隨羌佛尊。可惜忘了遵佛命,金剛丸施蘇珊娜,提前入寂早離家;
93. 克碧眾人遊海南,高速路上車翻箱,奇在昏迷無一醒,待到醒時無一傷;
94. 泥鰍已死破肚腸,佛陀加持游水狂;
95. 頭福街蛇精顯形,幾弟子嚇得逃命,佛彈指毒蟒丟魂,跪地上求佛接引;
96. 重車壓過足無傷,蛋糕原是法力王,光華之女醒如夢,車輪影留鞋子上;
97. 弟子耳中呱響,醫學專家無了方,羌佛告之有塊障,果然醫院見真況,手術拿出耳明亮;
98. 大火燃燒一工棚,鋼鐵車具化火龍,畫框燒炭法相好,開示法書火不燒; 
99. 安琴書文讚佛陀,無意掉失都市中,百萬人流幾公里,狂風捲紙口袋中;
100. 客車高速突撞崖,述秋破窗飛車外,撞上岩壁復落地,彈入泥塘水中埋,眾人失色嘆無命,良久見她站起來,渾身泥血無眼鼻,嘴唇微動誦佛哉,送到醫院擬搶救,身骨已斷四五截,無用醫藥竟安泰; 
101. 汽車飛馳四面山,撞上醉翁兩次翻,頭頂打斷反光鏡,靈蓋飛出腦髓流,滿地血泊當下死,佛手加持血立止,竟然還魂人不死;
102. 佛告建平明日慎,將有飛車要你命,次日大災全應境,佛陀一傘救了生;
103. 座下弟子神通足,能超快車百倍速,仲俠車中謗言事,到時一一全數落;
104. 范勳買魚數十條,欲將煎之品酒燒,竹籤穿死三時後,佛讓全部回生了;
105. 法師永定有道來,羌佛座下一僧才,隨手降妖只一掌,百米之外樹劈開;
106. 佛告冰凌一月,車禍將要汝重傷,果然車子被衝撞,三十米外已死亡,加持七日體正常;
107. 子公心臟病嗚呼,醫院下書當下死,去了氧氣點滴瓶,佛手一彈還了魂,醫院主任拜聖人;
108. 一日眾僧若干人,坐殿祈請施甘露,羌佛迎來不動佛,一步一足蓮花出,此時三師全得見,搶觀聖境禮節亂;……

見到大家所寫的聖德感召之記載,我實在是羞慚。我無權阻止大家對於言論自由的權利,我只能,大家對我褒獎的列列文題無非是某種因緣的巧合,而出現了一些奇怪現象,但是大家竟然歸功於我的證量所獲,我你們完全是錯誤的法,我作為一個慚愧者,做的是修行事,的是修行法,對於大家所的神奇妙象我不是不主張的概念,而是與我的修行之道是相反的。退一萬步,就算是我不反對,但我也沒有這麼些聖勝證量。人生途中偶遇奇妙緣境者,何足掛齒為榮,似乎人皆有之,很多出乎理性的異象,人們在無意之間都會遇到,如海市蜃樓、外星飛碟、乃至月球之旅等等,難道都是看到過的人顯現的嗎?比如有一喇嘛給我三粒金剛丸,扎西卓瑪向我請了兩粒,是她拿在手中,神奇化虹而飛,不是在我手中神化,她在杯中法,但到底怎麼法,我沒有聽到,要有功夫的話,也是仁波且的本領,何況這金剛丸乃大喇嘛送我的,獨我何150 能具之?又比如,弟子法師的五雷掌,我的手只會拿筆,眾人見到恒性嘉措頭頂現佛像,那是他的功德,我有何資格沾享?又比如,永定雖然是我的弟子,但是與上天通達是他的修為,預報天氣三個月,他們每天都作了記錄來印證他的預報,一天也沒有錯,但是那也是永定的證量,我焉可取功代之?更況氣象臺還能預報天氣呢!還有寶光街上洪水不進寺門,這與我實在毫無關係,大家想一想,寶光寺有釋迦佛陀的阿育王舍利塔,難道都不具無上功德嗎?上述列列條文,均非我之功德所為。我還要告訴大家,大家的讚嘆實在是錯了位,無論是哪一位大菩薩或佛陀助緣也好,或顯證量也好,對我來,我不好還是不好,總之,我認為就算哪一位大德有如此證量,這也不是修行的目的,這些東西拿來有什麼用?也許對你個人是道量的證顯,但總不能拿它來是修行吧?要利益眾生了生死,除了教他們修行和法定的表法,任何神奇都是沒有用的。要真正大成就了,一切都成了妙有聖境,那才是談得上聖量證境。我很慚愧,因為我沒有那些本事,更是無法當下滅除眾生不欲修行的業力,為此無法將惡人變成善良人。我更不具備無緣渡生的力量,因此才不能在一日之中即可把世界上的眾生全部接到極樂世界,我這樣的能力不是慚愧是什麼?難道是那些賣狗皮膏藥而自稱佛陀的妖孽嗎?要我沒有證量,那是假的,如果什麼都沒有,聖者法王、仁波且們就不會認證我了,我確實擁有妙寶證量!這證量就是已寫在《正法寶典》中的『什麼叫修行』,除此只有慚愧。正因為慚愧,我深感我沒有資格接受七眾弟子的供養,雖曾多次宣於錄音中,但今天正式行文宣告於世:我感謝一切善士對我的恭敬,要發心供養於我,發心供養三寶是釋迦佛陀的法定,也是十方諸佛與眾生之緣起種子,是應該的!但是,對我來,凡今後給我的供養,我不予接收。請大家諒解,也不要為我擔心,我依靠自己的勞動,不僅能自己生活,還能幫助他人,救災利民,利益眾生。所以,無論是金錢、財物、食物,只能直接供養給世界上真正對大眾有益、正知正見的寺廟和公眾團體,這等於實相供養了我,也等於普賢供養了我,我不接收供養。









Dorje Chang Buddha is Buddha Vajradhara (金剛總持, pronounced jin gang zong chi in Chinese, which literally means “Supreme Ruler of the Vajra Beings”) and is also called in Chinese 持金剛 (pronounced chi jin gang, which literally means “Ruler of the Vajra Beings”). Dorje Chang Buddha is not 金剛持 (pronounced jin gang chi in Chinese, which means “Practitioner of the Vajra” as explained below). In English, people often use the word vajradhara to refer to a 金剛持 (jin gang chi), or Practitioner of the Vajra. Actually a 金剛持 (vajradhara) is a master or guru. BuddhaVajradhara is a Buddha. Moreover, Buddha Vajradhara is the primordial sambhogakaya Buddha whose sambhogakaya manifested out of the dharmakaya of Adharma Buddha (Adi Buddha, or Samantabhadra Tathagata). All of the Buddha-dharma of Buddha Vajradhara originated from the tathata (true suchness) of Samantabhadra Tathagata. With respect to the dharmakaya of Samantabhadra Tathagata, there is no past and no future. Without form yet not empty, He neither comes nor goes. There are no Buddhas above Him to become. There are no living beings below Him to be saved. Such is His absolute truth. Thus, the dharma-body state of Samantabhadra Tathagata is without signs or characteristics, without speech, and without form. As such, there is no subject or being who could expound the dharma. Without such a subject or being, the multitudinous living beings could not be saved.
      Because of such karmic conditions, the formless dharmakaya Buddha generated the first sambhogakaya Buddha with form. This sambhogakaya Buddha with form transformed into Vajrasattva and other nirmanakayas. In order to make a distinction between those three, the dharmakaya Buddha was named Adharma Buddha; the sambhogakaya Buddha was named Dorje Chang Buddha; the nirmanakaya was named Vajrasattva. Actually, all three are Samantabhadra Tathagata, all three are Adharma Buddha, and three are Dorje Chang Buddha. In truth, there are not two Buddhas. These distinctions are due to a dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, and nirmanakaya. Based on this dharma, Samantabhadra Tathagata did not directly incarnate. Even the ancient Buddha Dipankara and Vajrasattva were the nirmanakayas of Dorje Chang Buddha.
       Dorje Chang Buddha is also called Buddha Vajradhara or Ruler of the Vajra Beings (持金剛 chi jin gang). In the entire universe, Dorje Chang Buddha is the first Buddha with form and is the highest Buddha. That is, the highest leader of Buddhism in the entire universe came into being in the form of Dorje Chang Buddha. It was Dorje Chang Buddha who began transmitting dharma and saving living beings in the dharmadhatu. As a result, Buddhism was born and the Buddha-dharma began spreading.
       However, many sects and lineages list Samantabhadra Tathagata as the first Buddha who began all the lineages in the dharmadhatu. This way of thinking is actually correct as well. That is because although Samantabhadra Tathagata is a dharmakaya without form and has no way of speaking, the origin lies with this dharmakaya from which the sambhogakaya Dorje Chang Buddha manifested. This sambhogakaya Buddha was the first one to spread the Buddha-dharma in the dharmadhatu. That sambhogakaya Buddha also transformed into Vajrasattva and other nirmanakayas whospread the dharma in the triloka (three spheres). Because of the birth of Dorje Chang Buddha, living beings were thus able to become holy beings in accordance with His dharma teachings.
     We often see in dharma books a blue image of Adharma Buddha. Actually, this image is a symbol. Such a symbolic form is necessary since the tathata emptiness of Adharma Buddha is invisible and cannot be depicted in a thangka. There is no way to draw the shape of emptiness. The dharmakaya has no features that can be pictorially depicted. In fact, the concept of dharmakaya is the absolute truth of the universe (dharmadhatu) that is not born and does not perish. The sambhogakaya Buddha (Buddha Vajradhara) manifested out of this concept of not being born and not perishing.
      Dorje Chang Buddha is the ancient, primordial sambhogakaya Buddha. He has the unsurpassed virtuous appearance that all of the Buddhas in the ten directions have. He was the first in the dharmadhatu and triloka (three spheres) to express the dharma. Therefore, Buddha Vajradhara, or Dorje Chang Buddha, is actually the greatest leader of Buddhism in the entire dharmadhatu. He is the original ancestor of Buddhism.
     However, many Buddhists misinterpret Dorje Chang Buddha, or Buddha Vajradhara, as being a 金剛持 (jin gang chi), or Practitioner of the Vajra (i.e. vajradhara). This is a mistake in a matter of principle that carries with it a karmic offence. Buddha Vajradhara has the meaning of one who is in charge of and has supervision over all of the vajra beings. Thus, He is the 持金剛 (chi jin gang) or Ruler of the Vajra Beings, the one who has dominion over the vajra beings. On the other hand, a 金剛持 (jin gang chi), or Practitioner of the Vajra (i.e. vajradhara), is one who learns the dharma and teaches others. Such a person enlightens himself and others. The term 金剛持 (jin gang chi), or Practitioner of the Vajra, connotes Vajra Master. There is a world of difference between a 金剛持 (jin gang chi) or Practitioner of the Vajra on the one hand and a 持金剛  (chi jin gang) or Ruler of the Vajra Beings on the other hand.
       Buddha Vajradhara (also called Ruler of the Vajra Beings) has passed down dharma to all of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, who received such dharma. All of the Buddha-dharma of both exoteric and esoteric Buddhism was originally transmitted by this Ruler of the Vajra Beings. The 84,000 dharma methods that Sakyamuni Buddha taught were transmitted to Sakyamuni Buddha by the ancient Buddha Dipankara, who was a nirmanakaya of Dorje Chang Buddha. Tibetan esoteric Buddhism, which contains all of the dharma of the Nyingma, Sakya, Jonang, Kagyu, andGeluk sects, including the Kalachakra Vajra Dharma transmitted by Sakyamuni Buddha; Japanese esoteric Buddhism; and esoteric Buddhism taught by Sakyamuni Buddha contained in the Tripitaka all come from the lineage of which Dorje Chang Buddha is the original ancestor or from the lineage of His nirmanakaya, Vajrasattva. 金剛總持 Buddha Vajradhara or Ruler of the Vajra Beings is the supreme leader of Buddhism in the dharmadhatu. He is not a Vajra Master who is a 金剛持 (jin gang chi), or Practitioner of the Vajra (i.e. vajradhara).
       When disciples find a qualified master, they should visualize their Vajra Master as being a Buddha. This is done out of respect for the dharma and respect for one’s lineage. However, no matter what type of master he may be, if his identity or status has not been recognized as a Buddha by rinpoches of great holiness in accordance with the dharma, then he is not a Buddha. Still, the disciple must visualize Him as a Buddha. Even the holy and venerable Vimalakirti, who as the second Buddha Vajradhara, was affirmed as a Tathagata (Buddha) through an announcement of Sakyamuni Buddha.
       The incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha is different from the nirmanakayas of any other Buddha. Such an incarnation is a primordial manifestation of the existence of Buddha-dharma. In each world of living beings, there can be at any one time only one incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, who manifests or expresses the existence of the true dharma. There will not be a second incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha in the same age or era. Only after the first incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha leaves the world can the second incarnation be born based on karmic conditions relating to the good fortune of living beings. For example, the holy and venerable Vimalakirti, who was the second Dorje Chang Buddha, took birth in this earthly realm in the past. The third Dorje Chang Buddha, H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, took birth in this earthly realm more than two thousand years after Vimalakirti left it and only when karmic conditions relating to the good fortune of living beings had matured.
       Nobody can get away with falsely claiming to be the incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha. In order to protect the dignity of the Buddha-dharma in the dharmadhatu and prevent demons from falsely claiming to be Buddha Vajradhara or the Ruler of the Vajra Beings, Buddha Vajradhara must be born with His own dharma and realization so that He may manifest or express the dharma. No other Buddha is able to manifest realization equal to the realization of Dorje Chang Buddha. That is because in order to protect the true dharma, the Buddhas do not manifest realization powers at the sameholy level as the realization of Dorje Chang Buddha. Conversely, all demons lack the power to manifest such realization and therefore cannot manifest such realization.
       When Sakyamuni Buddha lived in this world, Dorje Chang Buddha took birth as the holy and venerable Vimalakirti, who helped Sakyamuni Buddha teach the 500 monks and 8,000 Bodhisattvas. The holy and venerable Vimalakirti, who was the second incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, had the highest wisdom and the greatest ability to manifest supernatural powers as an expression of dharma. No other holy being could match Him.
       H.H. Mahavairocana Tathagata formally pronounced that the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, must meet five conditions: He must successfully invoke the Buddhas to bestow nectar. He must be able to perform the Golden Vase Selection of Karmic Affinity and predict the results of that ceremony beforehand. He must be able to eliminate the karmic obstructions of disciples. He must be able to take mist, place it inside a hollowed out sculpted boulder, and have the mist stay there. He must be able to carve wondrous multicolored sculptures.
       The formal pronouncement stated that no other holy being could repeat those five types of accomplishments. It also stated that if any other person of great holiness repeat those five types of accomplishments, then Mahavairocana Tathagata’s recognition that H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu is Dorje Chang Buddha is false, and the pronouncement has deceived the public in order to build up a false reputation.
       The facts have proven that in this world there is no being of great holiness and virtue or even an expert who is able to match the accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu. Furthermore, great dharma kings on the level of a Buddha or Bodhisattvahave unanimously recognized the identity of H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbuthrough recognition certificates. This thoroughly proves that no one can get away with falsely claiming the identity or status of Dorje Chang Buddha.
       In order to prevent demons from wreaking havoc by falsely claiming to be the incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, the required number of many holy beings must recognize the incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha. Furthermore, many additional holy beings must bear witness to the veracity of the recognition and respectfully offer congratulations. The many holy beings who recognize the incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha must be Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, or great dharma kings. Those who bear witness to the veracity of the recognition and respectfully offer congratulations must beextremely holy and virtuous Bodhisattvas. All of those who recognize, bear witness, and respectfully offer congratulations must be famous leaders within Buddhism and great rinpoches. If the identity of the person was notrecognized by those on such a holy level, if congratulations were not respectfully offered to him by those on such a holy level, and if he does not have legitimate recognition certificates, then his claims that he is a holy being are false.
       People say, “So-and-so rinpoche is universally recognized as the incarnation of Buddha Vajradhara.” This way of speaking is based on heretical and erroneous understanding. It is not in accord with the rules of true Buddhism. Where is the realization of this rinpoche that an incarnation of Buddha Vajradhara would have? Does this rinpoche have complete proficiency in both exoteric and esoteric Buddhism? Does he have full mastery of the Five Vidyas? Which five dharma kings have recognized his identity as being Buddha Vajradhara and which ten dharma kings or rinpoches have certified that recognition? Can he show others a recognition certificate showing he is the third Buddha Vajradhara? Which several famous people of holy virtue respectfully offered congratulations to him for being recognized? No matter how high a certain monastic may be, if he does not have true realization and the required written recognitions andcongratulations stating he is the third incarnation of Buddha Vajradhara, then all claims by others that he is Buddha Vajradhara are flattery, exaggeration, and rumors.
       Hence, one must understand that Buddha Vajradhara (金剛總持, jin gang zong chi) is 持金剛 (chi jin gang, which is a Buddha). On the other hand, a 金剛持 (jin gang chi) is a lama (master). Anyone who misinterprets a 金剛持(jin gang chi) as being a 持金剛  (chi jin gang) or Buddha Vajradhara is undoubtedly placing the status of a mere vajra master over that of Amitabha Buddha and other Buddhas. Such conduct is a terrible offense because according to the sutras and esoteric scriptures Buddha Vajradhara is Dorje Chang Buddha (持金剛   chi jin gang), the Master of the Five Buddhas and other Buddhas.
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