韻雕在美國國會展覽 (2003年10月)
(華盛頓新聞報導)美國國會議事廳史無前例展出人類首現神秘藝術 義雲高藝術非人間所見 參眾議員無不揮毫讚嘆。。(詳文請見附件)
“In An Assembly Hall in The United States Capitol, an Unprecedented Exhibition of Mankind’s First Mysterious Art Took Place” by Asian Journal. – The Likes of Master Man Ko Yee (H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III)’s Works of Art Have Never Been Seen Before in this World; Senators and Congresspersons Who Attended Expressed Their Admiration in Writings…. (Please read article for more details)
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美國舊金山華藏寺FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/huazangsi